In today’s world, anything can happen. Businesses need to be prepared for the worst to keep themselves and their employees safe. Panic buttons give people the peace of mind knowing with one push, help will be on its way.

Top 3 Reasons Businesses Need Panic Buttons:

  1. First responders will be there fast. Just a few minutes or even seconds can be the difference between life or death. With just a push of a button, first responders are alerted and will be on the way to save the day. Employees will feel safe and secure, knowing they have the control to contact the police.
  2. Panic buttons are cost effective. If something were to happen to an employee, injury or death, costs will go up, and an employee may file a lawsuit against your business. A button under the counter or by a register can reduce injury rate and can lower your company’s liability.
  3. They protect threats from within a business. Not only are panic buttons a life saver for outside customers, but they could stop criminals from the inside. Employees, a delivery person, or maybe someone that is already inside could be stopped from stealing, loitering and attacking. You may have an upset coworker and they may surprise you at what they are planning to do.

Spring cleaning can be enjoyable or it can be miserable. Cleaning can be rewarding or it can be dirty and hard work. It all depends on how you look at it. Spring cleaning is not just about making your home look better; it is satisfying though, but it is about safety and being prepared for warmer days. The last thing you want on your mind is to worry about your home when on summer vacation with the family.

Here are some items to think about when you clean this spring to keep you and your family safe. We often overlook some of these details.

  1. Clean out your dryer vent. Even though you may clean off your dryer vent between throwing a new load in, lint builds up in other places. Take a vacuum or coat hanger and clean out the lint in those hidden places. This will protect your home from house fires.
  2. Check batteries in alarms. Dust off your carbon monoxide detector and smoke alarms, and replace old batteries with fresh ones. Make sure they are all working perfectly.
  3. Secure your home. Check your locks to see if they are all working how they should be. If they are loose, a burglar could easily kick down the door and break in. Also, check to see if all house keys are accounted for. If not, it might be time to re-key your home.
  4. Trim your bushes around your house. If shrubs and bushes are too high, a burglar could potentially hide out behind or in them.
  5. Secure all yard tools. Pick up around your yard. A burglar can easily use yard tools to bust a window or hurt someone. A child could also harm themselves if they do not know how to use them properly.


Happy Spring!